BEGINNINGS’ parent educators provide emotional support and a safe place for a family to ask questions and express their concerns, and sometimes their grief. We answer questions about how the ear functions, how to read an audiogram, the different types of hearing loss, the language and communication options available, and local resources. Our web site is a good place to start learning more about your new journey in life.
Parent educators meet with families and a time and location convenient to the family, most often in the family home. We also join families for meetings with schools and other agencies.
We provide guidance on educational and civil rights throughout a child’s transitions in life, and work with families from the time of identification until their child turns 22. We connect families to early intervention services or their local school district. We help parents learn to manage their child’s needs and empower parents to be their child’s best advocate.
Beginnings – For Parents of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Inc. (