Alabama Community Transition (ACT)  Waiver  (Since 2011)

To provide services to individuals with 

disabilities or long term illnesses, who live 

in a nursing facility and who desire to 

transition to the home or community 


Target population is Individuals with disabilities or long term 

illnesses currently residing in a nursing 


provide: Case Management

Transitional Assistance 

 Personal Care 

 Homemaker Services

 Adult Day Health

 Home Delivered Meals

 Respite Care (Skilled and Unskilled)

 Skilled Nursing

 Adult Companion Services

 Home Modifications

 Assistive Technology

 Personal Emergency Response Systems 

(PERS) Installation/Monthly Fee

 Medical Equipment Supplies and Appliances

 Personal Assistant Services (PAS)

Pest Control


  • Special HCBS waiver disabled individuals whose income is not greater than 300% of the SSI Federal Benefit Rate 
  •  Individuals receiving SSI 
  •  Individuals determined to be eligible for transition into the community based upon an assessment

 Alabama Department of Senior Services
