This program is designed to provide services to seniors and persons with disabilities whose needs would otherwise require them to live in a nursing home. Our goal is for clients to retain their independence by providing services that allow them to live safely in their own homes for as long as it is appropriate.
Case managers work with clients to develop a person centered plan according to the clients’ medical needs. Depending upon their plan of care and specific needs, individuals in this program may receive personal care, homemaker, respite, adult day care, companion services, or home-delivered frozen meals.
The Personal Choices program is Alabama’s option for self-directed home and community-based services and is based on a national model of self-direction called the Cash and Counseling program. It is designed to offer seniors and people with disabilities more choice and flexibility in the type of care they receive. Personal Choices fosters independence as participants have greater control over their finances and decisions directly related to their care.
This program is designed to provide services to individuals with disabilities or long term illnesses, who live in a nursing facility and who desire to transition to the home or community setting. The Plan of Care and Case Management services are based on individual client’s needs. The individual must have been in the nursing facility for 90 days or more and are expected to move into the community within 180 days.
Visit Alabama Medicaid Agency Gateway To Community Living page for more information.
This program is designed to allow adults who are ventilator dependent or who have a tracheostomy and who would otherwise require care in an institutional setting to remain in the community. The Plan of Care and Case Management services are based on individual client’s needs.
For more information contact your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at 1-800-AGE-LINE (1-800-243-5463).